So Much to tell and not enough time. First, I just want any readers to know that we are very safe and have not felt threatened. The people are curtious, kind, overly generous, and always wear a smile. We have been catered to since we jumped off the plane. Working at St. Ben's the past three days has been a learning experience.
The Manhattan delegates have been teamed up with the St. Ben's teachers and students. The St. Ben's teachers are much different than teachers from the states. They lecture more and use less student interaction activities. Students are extremely respectful of the teach

ers. They do not call teachers by their last name. Instead they say "Teacher". Also they say "godbless" when you leave.
The students demanded our autogragh upon leaving the class. It was if we were movie stars. Unbelievable!

They also want the delegates phone numbers and addresses. I have a feeling we will be keeping in close contact with the St. Ben's students and teachers. My cooperating teacher is a friendly woman who went to college in India. Her name is Mrs. Sashikala. Some of her methods are quite different than mine. Like telling misbehaving students to stand up for an extended period of time. Also she smacked at student with a ruler lightly for talking. It is in their culture.
I do not think it is a bad thing, just different. The students, who are males, are especially receptive to the

girls. Melody, Melissa, Meg

, Christina, Kelly, Katie, Veronica, and Erin have been making plenty of friends duing the week. The young boys at St. Ben's are friendly and ask very interesting questions about our culture and country. One boy asked me if I knew what Knight Rider was. The show with David Hasselhoff. I could not believe some of the things they knew and did not know. Yesterday I played basketball with the studnets after school. They need some work. But it was all fun and games.
Anyway, I hope more people post comments and ask questions. I would like to answer any questions that are posted. Thanks for viewing.
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