Our group is having a fantastic time in Sri Lanka. I am very proud of the Manhattan College students because they have adapted so well to St. Benedict's School. On their secon

d day at the school, they were already teaching some classes. The St. Benedict's students had many questions for our students. In our afterschool activities, we had many questions for the St. Benedict's teachers. The MC students and our hosts are both learning much about our countries and cultures. Last weekend, we toured many cultural sites in the center of Sri Lanka. Tomorrow, we will go to the southern coast and see the beautiful beaches and the area where the tsunami hit. Yesterday, all the MC students were interviewed by a newspaper reporter and we hope to see an article in the paper this Sunday. Tonight, we will go to a meeting of the St. Benedict's Alumni Society. The alumni are referred to as "Old Bens." The Old Bens have been the most gracious hosts that anyone could imagine. They had an opening banquet for us at a private club and will have a final banquet next Friday. I hope that St. Benedict's has benefitted from our visit as much as the MC students have benefitted from the wonderful hospitality and education about the beautiful country and people of Sri Lanka.
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