Thursday, January 12, 2006

Report: Adam in Sri Lanka

There is so much to say about Sri Lanka, I do not know where to start. I think I will write about random things about the past 10 days on the other side of the world. I have seen more than fourty elephants bathing in a river (ridden on one as well), a cobra, a scorpion, a chameleon, so many monkeys, and even walked up a mountain inhabited by killer bees. On the weekend trip to Kandy, Anarandpura, Sygiria- I must explain to you our tour guide. His name is Dudley. He is a white Sri Lankan. He has a skin disease which makes him white, yet he is as Sri Lankan as anyone else. He is the funniest little man I have ever met. He is our Yoda of Sri Lanka. He will be our guide for this weekend when we go to the southern part of the country. Hmm...what else? Milkshakes are cheap here, and very good. The soda is better here- they have a brand called Necto which is simply delicious. The students in class have told me what they know about America. Most of it revolves around rap music and wrestling. Rap music is very popular with these kids. 50 Cent eminem and all the rest- this is what they listen to. They know some popular rock, but it is not nearly as big as rap. Some of their music choices would be considered funny in America, or Europe. They know classic rock, yet they only know the Beatles, the Eagles and Abba. They have never heard of Led Zeppelin?! Aside from their lack of knowledge of Zeppelin the students are very nice. They always want us to sing. In classes I had to sing Hotel California, Let it Be and Heal the World by the world's most popular white black man- Michael Jackson. After I write this, some of the students are going to play a game of cricket with us. Oh yes! I must be going, I need to show these Sri Lankans how to hit a home run- or a 6 pointer in cricket. I hope it's snowing stories in New York.


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